Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman

In Choosing to SEE, Mary Beth Chapman shares the story of her life and how the reality differs from her carefully planned out life.  Readers might know of her as the wife of singer Steven Curtis Chapman, but through her book, readers can get to know her as a woman, wife, and mother.

What impressed me the most about this book from start to finish is the honesty.  Chapman shares the good, the bad, and the ugly parts of her life.  Sometimes it is easy to dehumanize celebrities or singers and put them on pedestals and forget they are people just like us.  Chapman shares her struggles with depression, her insecurities, and past regrets.  In doing so, she makes herself accessible to readers.  She also shares some funny stories along the way.

The story of the tragic loss of their daughter was difficult to read.  I anticipated that she would share in the book about how her faith in God helped her cope with the loss and provided peace to her and her family.  What was surprising (in a good way) to me was the way Chapman shared how she and her husband coped with the grief and cried out to God in that grief.  The scenes of Steven screaming out to God in their soundproof room, or pounding on the windows of the car stay with you, as does the scene of Mary Beth exchanging clothes with her friends in the hospital room so that the blood-soaked clothes don’t scare their other daughters.

If you are a mother, this book is a must read!

Choosing to SEE: A Journey of Struggle and Hope

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2 Responses to Choosing to SEE by Mary Beth Chapman

  1. I truly love Mary Beth Chapman’s book Choosing to SEE. She was so honest about her struggles. Thank you so much for adding a link to my review on Steven’s The Glorious Unfolding. Blessings,
    Diane Roark


  2. Delana says:

    Yes, this is a great book!


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